With cloth diapering my motto is - "Keep it simple, Sweetie!" So how we cloth diaper is when it is convenient for us. Yep! I will admit that I don't cloth diaper 100% ALL THE TIME. I maybe cloth diaper 50% of the time. The times when I don't cloth diaper are for overnight and traveling.
Below is our changing table set up and organized. We love this convenient changing table that I found at a consignment shop and painted lime green. I bought the blue and red plastic bins from Target. I love these bins for keeping the diaper supplies organized! Little Bee is 14.5 months old and he still LOVES having a mobile hung above his changing table.
In the top blue bin are the inserts for our pocket diapers, middle top is extra supplies and a container of wet wipes, and the top red bin is the pocket diapers. Bottom red bin is disposable diapers, middle bottom is a spot to put plastic bags for those yucky poop diapers, and the bottom blue bin is storage for extra wet wipes.
Below is a rainbow of the different kinds of pocket diapers we have used. In my next blog post on cloth diapering, I will discuss the different brands and give a brief review. This cloth diapering segment is broken into three parts - "How We Cloth Diaper - Part 1", "Cloth Diaper Reviews - Part 2", and "What To Do with POO! - Part 3."

I loved cloth diapering! All of my friends thought they were cute, but gross. 🙂 Unfortunately, after nearly a year, mine started to leak and I couldn’t figure out how to stop it. Maybe you can write about the maintenance part (stripping, washing, etc.)
Thanks for the reply! Good idea 🙂 Maintenance part… I am no expert, but what I have learned is again… “Keep it simple, Sweetie!” I bought a package of expensive cloth diapers before Little Bee was born and they started to leak. I guess I wasn’t using the right amount of detergent and after looking at the warranty for the diapers, I realized I had already messed it up. So I decided from there on out I would only buy second-hand cloth diapers and use whatever detergent I wanted to use! OxyClean works wonders on helping leaking cloth diapers! My second-hand cloth diapers don’t leak at all and I use whatever detergent I want with a little OxyClean combined in the wash. 🙂
Very well written! I don’t cloth diaper because it seemed like a commitment. Why didn’t I consider doing it like half the time??? 🙂 I can’t see your pictures but it may just be my device. Keep em coming Queen Bee 🙂
I wish I had read something like this when we were deciding cloth vs disposables. We settled on 100% disposables because cloth seemed overwhelming! Your blog makes it seem easier than I originally thought!
Does Little Bee not mess with the plastic bags? We have the same plastic bins in white, they work amazingly with our ikea cube shelf 🙂
We keep the changing table in our room for that very reason. 🙂 I don’t want him pulling all the stuff out of the changing table bins. When he visits our room, I always keep an eye on him to keep him safe. But it may be a good idea as he gets older to put the plastic bags up high. I also store the plastic bags in a tight knot, so that helps some. Good question! 🙂
What do you do when you’re out and about and your baby has a really bad poo? Do you try to find a toilet to flush some of it, or do you just put it in a wet bag to deal with later?
Honestly, I am not a die hard cloth diaper user. I’m ok with using disposable diapers on the go.
Hi – wondering where part 2 of this post is… Can’t find it on your site! I have absolutely no idea how cloth diapers work, so it’d be nice to get an overview… I’ll search on google, but didn’t know if that was on your missing second post. Thanks for the lovely blog!
I’m sorry Laura – I haven’t completed part two yet. I need to do that soon…
What brand of cloth diaper and pants do you recommend?
Hi Amy 🙂 My son is 4 years old now! I just started to use cloth diapers on my 6 month old baby girl. I love pocket diapers! They are the easiest to use in my opinion. I have used four brands of pocket diapers and don’t have a preference between these four. In my opinion they all do the same job! Kawaii Baby can be found on Amazon and are the most affordable. FuzziBunz can also be found on Amazon. Royal Fluff can be found here – http://royalfluff.com The most expensive diaper is Annie Marie Padorie (AMP), but have the best (most absorbable) inserts – http://www.ampwholesale.com