DIY Felt Parts of an Acorn and Oak Tree Life Cycle with Printable Template
A wonderful way for children to learn about the world around them is through hands-on play. This lovely DIY felt acorn parts and oak tree life-cycle, is an easy hands-on activity to help a child learn about the parts of an acorn and its life cycle. Also, included in this post is a free acorn and oak tree printable template.
Materials Needed for DIY Felt Parts of an Acorn:
- 1 dark brown, 1 light brown, 1 medium brown, 1 dark green, 1 light green, 1 white felt sheets (12in x 12in sheets)
- Scissors
- Pencil or Pen
- Laminator
- Laminating Sheets
- Fabric Glue or Hot Glue Gun (optional)
- Markers (optional)
- Free acorn and oak tree printable template (scroll down)
Instructions for the Printable File
Within this printable template there are outlines for you to cut out and then trace onto a felt sheet. Follow the instructions on each page. The downloadable file contains 18 pages for printing. (This is a gift to my Mama's Happy Hive subscribers... this printable template is worth $4.00, but is FREE for subscribers).
The first page is the terms of use. You must abide by these terms even if you receive a free printable. Pages 4-7 are the acorn template. Pages 8-9 are the seedling template. Pages 10-12 are the sapling template. Pages 13-15 are the mature oak tree template. Page 16 are fun numbered acorns to place on the mature oak tree. Page 17 is the template for the snag or stump.
Oak Tree Life-Cycle
- Acorn
- Seedling
- Sapling
- Mature Oak Tree
- Snag
Parts of an Acorn
- Cupule (cup)
- Stem
- Pericarp (outside layer of fruit)
- Testa (seed coat)
- Plumule (shoot or stem)
- Radicle (first root)
- Cotyledon (first leaves)
- Remains of Style
Download your Free Acorn Parts and Oak Tree Printable Template by clicking the link below:
Acorn Parts and Oak Tree Printable Template
Little Bee enjoyed learning about the acorn parts and the life-cycle of the oak tree. I always love to also include awesome books with each theme that we study at home. Here is a list of wonderful books about acorns and the oak tree!
Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy hours of fun with this DIY felt acorn parts and oak tree life-cycle! Enjoy!
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This is gorgeous! I always love your felt ideas.
Thank you! You made my day!
Hi, I was trying to download the free printable but it keeps telling not found error. Was really looking forward to this printable. Can you please look into it. Thank you.
Can you please email me at I will email it to you. Thank you, Vanessa
Hello, the link to the template is not working. Beautiful work!
Can you please email me at I will email it to you. Thank you, Vanessa
This looks cute! And also i think the kids will really have fun with the activities where they were actually be able to touch and build the parts of an acorn instead of just passively seeing them in a screen or paper. Thank you for sharing this will surely try this out with my student is in But it will be a different fruit.
thanks for your sharing,but i can’t find the Acorn Parts and Oak Tree Printable Template,can you send it to me?thank you.
Can you please email me at I will email it to you. Thank you, Vanessa